Tuesday, July 27th, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm

South Hills Square Retirement Community • 3603 McRoberts Road, Castle Shannon

Women in World War II: In 1941, Wonder Woman appeared as the first female superhero. The timing was apt because with the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, millions of American women were mobilized into the American war effort and served in occupations which had been barred to them just months earlier.

Historian Todd DePastino will tell the remarkable story of not only how women’s lives changed during WWII, but how the whole culture had to change to accommodate these radically new gender roles. Come hear about Rosie the Riveters, the WAVES, the WACS, and the much disparaged WASPs, who only achieved official recognition decades after the war.

For reservations, please call the concierge at South Hills Square by July 23rd: 412-255-3670